Innovative, Responsive Leaders
and HR Directors Hire Us to:
Strengthen their Workplace Culture
Determine Solutions to Retention Issues
Support Leadership as Action is Taken
Strategize How to Use Retention to Recruit
It costs 30% of an employee's annual salary to rehire for their position and more than half
employees are actively looking for a new job (Gallup, Zipia 2023)
How can you afford not to have a retention strategy?
Our Clients
Care about their staff as people and want to retain high-quality employees because they view employees as their best asset.
Invest in their employees growth and learning.
Demonstrate curiosity, honesty, and optimism toward challenges that need solving to increase employee retention.
Listen to employees, believing their feedback is as valuable and worth gathering confidentially.
Make a commitment to utilize employee feedback to support organizational learning, retain their great employees, and take action to improve attrition.
Take informed action on employee feedback.
Support supervisors in their learning and growth in order to improve the employee experience.
Establish trust with their employees by understanding the importance of a neutral third-party when gathering feedback.
Think strategically and innovate, looking toward the future for improvement and success.
I want the workplace to be positive and supportive, a place where employees want to go to work and tell others how much they enjoy it. I help employers who are concerned about losing their good employees, confidentially gather employee feedback to determine an effective retention strategy.
Complementary Strengths-Coaching
Want to check out my coaching services? Contact me for a free half-hour strengths coaching session. See how you can leverage your strengths to be a stronger leader.
Entry-level Package - $1,000
Professional Development Workshop on Workplace Culture (virtual)- 2.5 hours (50 people or less)
Strengths-based Coaching for Leadership Team - (virtual) 2.5 hours (10 people or less)
Initial Package - $3,000
Two virtual focus groups (max 10 people) of target market
Analyze feedback
Basic Package - $7,000
Strategic Retention Planning (3 hours):
Collaborative session with leadership team based on previously gathered baseline data.
Identification of potential actions for staff feedback response.
Focus Groups (2 sessions):
Gather feedback on the retention plan.
Analysis and Recommendations (2 hours):
Analyze feedback and build actionable recommendations.
Leadership Coaching (2 hours):
Coaching for implementing actions in response to feedback.
Standard Package - $10,000
Needs Assessment and Planning (1 hour):
Zoom session with leadership team.
Confidential Interviews (Up to 50):
Conduct one-on-one Zoom interviews with staff.
Thematic Analysis:
Document all responses and create a comprehensive summary.
Actionable Insights:
Identify potential actions for response to staff feedback.
Reporting (District Leadership):
Report findings to the district leadership team.
Strategy/Coaching Session (2 hours):
Implementing actions in response to feedback.
Essential Package - $15,000
Leadership Group Strengths Coaching (2 hours):
Zoom session for up to 10 participants.
Needs Assessment and Planning (1 hour):
Zoom session with leadership team.
Confidential Interviews (Up to 75):
Conduct one-on-one Zoom interviews with staff.
Focus Groups (2 sessions):
Staff sessions to prioritize possible solutions.
Reporting (District Leadership):
Report findings and draft an email update for staff.
Strategy/Coaching Session (2 hours):
Implementing actions in response to feedback.
Premium Package - $25,000
Leadership Group Strengths Coaching Workshop (4 hours):
In-person session for up to 30 participants.
Building-level Team Coaching (2 sessions):
In-person sessions lasting 2 hours each.
Leadership Strengths Coaching (6 months):
Monthly 1-hour in-person sessions.
Needs Assessment and Planning (1 hour):
Zoom session with leadership team.
Confidential Interviews (Up to 100):
Conduct one-on-one Zoom interviews with staff.
Actionable Insights:
Identify potential actions for response to staff feedback.
Focus Groups (2-4 sessions):
Gather feedback on potential solutions and prioritize responses.
Reporting (District Leadership):
Report findings and draft an action response plan.
Strategy/Coaching Session (2 hours):
Implementing actions in response to feedback.