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Professional Development

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I plan and lead engaging professional learning experiences that make a positive impact. I can help you plan a full day, half day, or hour long professional development that meets your needs. I provide meaningful and fun professional development experiences that honor the expertise of the adult learner. Select from the list below, or contact me to discuss your unique needs. 

I was honored to receive an award by The University of Nebraska-Lincoln staff for providing high-quality professional development in 2024. ​​​​

Gallup Certified Strengths Finder Logo
University of Nebraska Lincoln Professional Development Award Presented to Dr. Cindy Copich

Explore Content

Classified Staff

Creating a Culture of Belonging 

How YOU Make a Difference for Students: Power of Positive Relationships

Workplace Culture

Mindful Wellness: Stress Awareness & Response

The Power of Possibility (Growth Mindset)

Building Meaningful School-Family Relationships

for Student Success

Strengths-based Teamwork

Career Growth and Planning

Habits of Happiness

Communication: Understanding Self and Others

Understanding and Resolving Conflict

Leadership Development

Managing Difficult Behaviors at Work

Radical Candor

Workplace Appreciation

Building Supervisor Skills

Take Five©: Balance, Relaxation, and Stress Reduction Techniques for Elementary Students (trained by Dr. Shelia Palmquist)

Certified Staff

Creating a Culture of Belonging 

How YOU Make a Difference for Students: Power of Positive Relationships

Workplace Culture

Mindful Wellness: Stress Awareness & Response

The Power of Possibility (Growth Mindset)

Building Meaningful School-Family Relationships

for Student Success

Strengths-based Teamwork

Career Growth and Planning

Habits of Happiness

Communication: Understanding Self and Others

Understanding and Resolving Conflict

Leadership Development

Workplace Appreciation

Radical Candor

Managing Difficult Behaviors at Work

Take Five©: Balance, Relaxation, and Stress Reduction Techniques for Elementary Students (trained by Dr. Shelia Palmquist)

What Clients Say

Dr. Copich is a strong thought leader in the work we do to place more focus on our staff members' sense of belonging and well-being. The team in the Lincoln Public Schools partnered with Dr. Copich to discover or affirm what we believed might be the touchpoints, working to make certain we were doing all possible to retain our great staff. Dr. Copich helped us strengthen our culture and listen to our staff in new ways. Truly, retention is the new recruitment.

- Dr. Paul Gausman, Superintendent of Schools, Lincoln, Nebraska

Dr. Paul Gausman Headshot
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